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lighthouse horror story in hindi

 St. Augustine lighthouse horror Story in hindi, haunted Lighthouse story:- 

real horror story in hindi:- If there is a God, there is also a soul. If a person's last wish is not fulfilled before death, his soul does not get salvation. Today there are many places in the world where ghosts have taken over. Here a person definitely thinks a hundred times before going. Even though science has progressed a lot. To find out the reason, scientists have created some such devices, through which the existence of the soul can be known. The story you are going to read. Light House Horror is a story based on a true incident.  

lighthouse horror story in hindi
st. Augustine haunted Lighthouse real horror story 

If you people search for lighthouse videos, real horror stories on YouTube, you will get to see many stories. Along with the location of that lighthouse, other stories will also be heard and seen. 

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st. Augustine haunted Lighthouse horror, haunted Lighthouse horror stories  

this is a real haunted lighthouse story. it is located at 100 Red Cox Dr, st. Augustine, FL 32080, USA. This story is about a boy named Arpan whose dream is to become a director. He used to go out with his friend Preet to make videos. One day, with this hope, he took his friend with him to a lighthouse. He had heard from people about the lighthouse horror story that a girl appears there every night at 2.25 minutes. Which jumps into the sea from the lighthouse.

Read more story:-  top 5 haunted place in India horror hindi story

Both friends Arpan and Preet picked up their cameras and set out towards that lighthouse at exactly 1 o'clock in the night.

Reaching the highest window of the lighthouse itself, hiding behind a wall, he sat there the whole night with the camera installed.

 Something will be something will be seen

but to no avail,

The next night, the same thing happened again...

Stayed sitting all night...with the camera installed,

 Why not? ......she takes the help of her friend,

Both of them should record a good video by dressing the girl in the same clothes and getting her to jump from there. Then both of them included their friend in this because their friend also knew how to swim well. So she could also swim out of the sea. According to the plan and according to the time, both of them left an hour early and reached the seed and set up the camera. Then their friend appeared to both of them coming at the right time. So both of them focused the camera on him. Her friend, just like in the old stories of the same girl, slowly climbed the last 4 stairs, went to the window and jumped into the water with a long scary scream. 

lighthouse horror story in hindi
haunted lighthouse real story

     read more article..... real horror story in hindi

        To make the video look real, both of them shook the camera and recorded the video. Before Arpan could understand anything, he ran to his friend and started watching the video. Some strange shadow was recorded in the video. After some time, strange activities started happening there due to which both of them got scared and started moving out from there. But that spirit troubled him a lot. Time passed and at 4 in the morning, when the influence of the evil spirit was gone, he came out of the lighthouse. After coming out of the lighthouse, when they looked towards the lighthouse, they saw the girl standing near the window of the lighthouse. That soul was looking at both of them. 

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People who have seen and felt ghosts believe in ghosts, but people do not believe when they see with their own eyes. This ghost story was shared by our friend on Instagram. 

Apart from the waves of the sea and the strong rustling wind, nothing was seen or heard. Then, both disappointed and dejected, the two friends started going to their home. On the way, a wonderful idea came to Preet's mind. Then his friend called. Arpan looked at the phone and thought that it would take only 15 minutes for him to reach the shore.

Arpan picked up the phone and talked to his friend who said that his car had broken down. I try to deliver it from there somehow. After that time both of them never went to that lighthouse again. If you like reading this true story of the lighthouse, then share it with your friends. 

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