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Valley House American real horror story in hindi| real horror story | Haunted House in America

There are so many mysteries hidden in this world that even scientists cannot solve to date. Be it the Bhangarh Fort in Rajasthan or Area 51 of America? You people are reading the Haunted House in America story.

Valley House America real horror story
Valley House America real horror story

     Today we will introduce you to one of the world's most famous haunted houses which humans do not dare to go and spirits have taken possession of that house. Anyone who goes to that place never comes back; what comes back is only a dead body!

Valley House America real horror story
Valley House America real horror story

Valley House American horror story

    The name of this house is Valley House America and it is located in America. It is believed that this house was built by Thomas Vale in 1875 in a desolate place. He started living in this abandoned house with his wife and three children. Shortly after coming to this house, his younger son died of fever. Thomas, his wife and two children were survivors. After a few years, two more daughters were born. Then after a short time, his wife also died due to illness. Shortly thereafter, Thomas's eldest son married a girl and after some time they got divorced. He also committed suicide due to this shock. In this way, one by one, the whole family came to an end with the death of Thomas in 1961. Five people alive had gone to that place, but no one returned after loading. real horror story in hindi

    It is believed that while constructing this house, a laborer committed suicide by hanging himself. Due to this his soul used to wander here. Despite the Vale family being aware of this, they came to live here and ended up dying. Now the souls of his entire family live in this house, and that is why till now no one has been able to live in this house.

valley house American real horror story
Valley House America real horror story

A team of ghost hunters came here to do an in-depth study of this house. When he came to this house after 12 o'clock in the night, he felt the presence and touch of someone in that house. They saw faces covered with hair which then disappeared suddenly. Fresh blood stains were visible on the glass. Many other facts led to the belief that this house was haunted. A lot of time has passed since these deaths but those people are still seen in their homes and rooms.    

   Because of this the American government converted this house into a museum and made the people coming here feel the presence of Raho.

        Today in this 21st century, when the world has progressed so much due to the power of science which gives humans the power to do everything. But there is one such power in the world where both man and his science surrender, and that is death and the world of spirits.

        So, friends, you will find many such houses all over the world which are still closed for years. There's a story hidden behind it. So, if you know any story of such a ghost-haunted house then please tell us through comment.

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