top 5 haunted places in India real story

Top 5 Haunted places in India horror story | haunted places in India top 5 haunted place in India real story Although horror stories thrill everyone, if these stories become reality then even the toughest person starts trembling. If you ever come face to face with a wandering ghost or spirit (bhoot and Pret), you start shuddering just thinking about your condition. You might have seen ghosts or wandering spirits in stories, but there are many such places in India too, where you would prefer to avoid visiting even by mistake. Places that have been suffering from a terrible curse for thousands of years and which are completely haunted by wandering spirits. 1. Bhangarh Fort history (top 5 haunted places in India real story):- top 5 haunted places in india real story Although there are many such haunted places in India which you can call haunted or bhootiya, among all these places the most terrifying is Bhangarh Fort haunted place. Bhangarh Fort is cons...