Mysterious Temple of Sri Padmanabhaswamy
Mysterious Temple of Sri Padmanabhaswamy | Sri Padmanabhaswamy temple in Kerala Real story:- India is such a place where there are many such temples in every corner. There are many secrets buried in them which even scientists could not understand properly because every ancient temple is associated with mysteries and interesting stories. There is a temple in India that has many mysteries associated with it and along with those mysteries, some beliefs are also attached to it. There are seven doors of this temple, out of which the Government of India opened six doors but could not open the seventh door, because the seventh door can be opened only by reciting mantra. According to the beliefs of the priests, doomsday will come as soon as the seventh i.e. the last door of this temple is opened. Mysterious Temple of Sri Padmanabhaswamy story In India, this temple is established in Thiruvananthapuram in the state of Kerala. it is located in West Nada, Fort, East Fort, Pazhavangadi, T...